
In football, all young men have a chance of success. In football, the more talented player is not always the best player. In football, with the correct attitude and work ethic, any young man can compete. In football, leaders are born and confidence is built. In football, attitudes can be adjusted and low self-esteem can be lifted. In football, all young men get a chance at success.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

January Calendar

From Coach Engler:

Ryle Football Family,

I hope that everyone has enjoyed a wonderful Holiday break and a Happy New Year!  The start of the new year also means the start of the 2015 Ryle football season.  The success we will have on the gridiron is in direct correlation to the hard work we will do beginning on Monday

I have attached a calendar for the month of January. In January, we will be lifting 3 days a week with an optional (weather permitting) day that we can get extra work outside.  I will discuss these days a little more on Monday.  To begin January, we are going with a 3 day lifting schedule so that we can get every level of our program involved.  However, the calendar is subject to change depending numbers, etc...

As we begin Phase One of the 2015 football season, remember "WIN The DAY! 


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